Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan National Festival & Championships 2010
A blog dedicated to the tradition of the Ko Dan Ja, a place to exchange information among the U.S. SOO BAHK DO MOO DUK KWAN Federation®, Ko Dan Ja and those associated with the World MOO DUK KWAN® organization, under the guidance and direction of our Kwan Jang Nim, H.C. Hwang. Photo courtesy of F.Bonsignore, photo(s) used with permission. The Ko Dan Ja Experience© Logo by Roberto Bonefont, Sr. by Roberto Bonefont, Sr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at by Roberto Bonefont, Sr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
TAC Tour May 2010 - Moo Do Ja Seh
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
A Little Practice, Practice, Practice at Baran's Soo Bahk Do
Below: Mr. Nelson and Rob Bonefont, Jr. and Mr. Garrison
Below: Kicking Drills
Below: More Kicking Drills
Soo Bahk!
Below: Kicking Drills
Below: More Kicking Drills
Soo Bahk!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Soo Bahk Do - Region 2 Dan Testing - 10/17/09
Here are some great photos of the recent Region 2 Dan Shim Sa, thanks to notladj for posting on Flickr. Soo Bahk!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Ahp Cha Nut Gi Demo by Kenyon Sa Bom Nim, Member of the TAC Weh Gung Bu
This short video is a great training and teaching aid for Ahp Cha Nut Gi, as modeled by Kenyon Sa bom Nim, member of the TAC Weh Gung Bu. I recognize the site as the Ramona Camp where the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa is held. Brought back good memories.
Soo Bahk!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Old Moo Duk Kwan Video Montage
This video was obtained on YouTube courtesy of Daniel R. Segarra, Master Instructor Moo Sa Do Kwan™ and President Warrior-Scholar Academy™ He is also owner of Five Towns Karate Center, an original Moo Duk Kwan School that was established in the late 60's. I wish to thank him for allowing us to view this historical footage.
2nd Video
3rd Video
2nd Video
3rd Video
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
1960 Moo Duk Kwan Manual -Shows Some Historical Perspective
Many of you are aware that the Founder of the Moo Duk Kwan, the late Great Grandmaster Hwang Kee, had started his organization in 1945 and it was not probably until the early 1960s that Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Moo Duk Kwan came to the U.S. through some of our early military servicemen. Once some of the dojangs were established, it became apparent to have an organization in the U.S. The Five Towns Karate Center (5TKC), which at one point was a directly associated with the Korean Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Association back in the early 1960's. Recently, the current owner of the Five Towns Karate Center, Master Dan Segarra, started a web group for all former students of Five Towns family. During much of the discussions online, several original members, including myself, became involved with the online discussions, mainly talking about our "time" when we first started our martial arts training at the Five Towns Center. One of the original members, had saved a small manual that was given to him by one of the NY Moo Duk Kwan Association officers, Mr. Vincent Nunno, Dan Bon #7291, that was apparently a translation of one of the many original manuals that came out of Korea. Master Segarra was kind enough to post it on his "Warrior-Scholar" website, and I've converted it to a PDF file and will post it here for everyone's enjoyment. One of the comments made by Master Segarra was that the translation just showed how "well" organized the late Great Grandmaster really was.
May 15, 2009
1960 Intro to Tang Soo Do
Greetings you are now reading something unique and that can provide an interesting snapshot of the Moo Duk Kwan martial art style circa 1960, this document was given to me by Dr. Steve Finnando whom received it from Dr. Vincent Nunno Dan #7291. This manual was written by Grandmaster Hwang Kee and translated by Dr. Robert Sohn at the time a Cho Dan Dan #6037, Mr. Moon Chae Sik a first Gup and Master Ahn Kyong Won at that time a fourth Dan.
Master Ahn taught the Army’s Infantry 7th Division at their Headquarters starting in 1960. Dr. Sohn was stationed in Korean and trained with Master Ahn from 1963 to 1965. Assuming he made Cho Dan in a year the manual was translated in 64 or 65 at the latest. Remember it was translated from an earlier Korean Version which predates the translation which seems to possible be written in 1960. It is an interesting glimpse as to the organization of Grandmaster Hwang Kee’s Moo Duk Kwan at that time period.
Some interesting things to note are the testing point system with triple promotions for scores 90-100 and demotions for scores 40 and lower, the time period to test for various ranks as well as the breaking requirements. Also of interest are the fact that there was no yellow or orange belt at that time and they actually did use Midnight Blue belts that far back. Finally there are some interesting historical notes in Grandmaster Hwang Kees resume listed.
Please keep in mind this is a straight copy of the introduction so the spelling may be different from the more modern standardized way you may be familiar with, also some facts may not be completely accurate as it was a translation and although I am sure the translators did their best to be as accurate as possible there are sure to be some mistake amongst the text here and there.
So I hope you enjoy this little bit of Korean martial arts history and I am glad I could share it with you.
Dan Segarra
The parts of this material written by Daniel Segarra are copyrighted.
Translators and owners of this written introduction
Master Ahn Kyong Won
Born in Seoul, Korea, Master Kyong won Ahn began his martial arts training when he was twelve years old. He served an internship with his instructor, Master Chang Bok Lee, as the Master Instructor for the Korean and American armies from 1955 through 1967 representing Grandmaster Hwang Kee and the Moo Duk Kwan. Considered one of the best competitors in Korea in the early 1960s, Grandmaster Ahn was winner of many Tang Soo Do championships and honors throughout Korea.
Grandmaster Ahn came to the United States in 1967 at the request of Grandmaster Hwang Kee and was sponsored by the University of Cincinnati, He began teaching Tang Soo Do there in August of 1967.
From 1967 to 1970 he acted as the liaison from Korea officiating for Moo Duk Kwan certifications, testing’s etc.
In 1971 he formed the United Taekwondo Association (UTA) breaking away with the Moo Duk Kwan to accept the position of Grandmaster in the UTA.
Dr. Robert C Sohn (Dan #6037)
Mr. Robert C. Sohn, Born 02 Apr 1939 - 12 Jan 1997 joined the U.S Army Infantry and was stationed in Korea 1963-1965. He made the rank of sergeant and was stationed near the DMZ. While in Korea he began training with Mr. Ahn Kyong Won. Master Ahn was a Tang Soo Do Master under Grandmaster Hwang Kee and known for his incredible fighting skills. Dr. Sohn trained frequently at Joong Ahn Dojang in Korea and was tested by Grandmaster Hwang Kee himself. He attained the rank of fourth dan and the Korean Dan number 6037. He trained in Korea from 1963-1965 and while in Korea met his future wife So Cha (Tina) a native Korean. They married in 1964 and came back to the United states in 1965.
In 1966 he and Vinny Nunno opened the West Village Karate Center on Hudson St. in Manhattan in 1966. In 1968 he opened the Five Towns Karate Center in Lawrence Long Island.
Vincent J. Nunno, (Dan #7291) 22, was born in New York City. He is a graduate of Hunter College in New York and worked for the New York City Department of Commerce while studying for a master’s degree in social psychology. He was an original member of the board of directors of the New York State Chapter of the American Tang Soo Do Korean Karate Assn. This is a division of the Moo Duk Kwan Karate organization with headquarters in Seoul. Korea. Headed by Grand Master Hwang Kee in Korea and represented by John Butterwick Dan #22770 in the USA.
In 1967 They along with Hugine Percival (Dan #7954) hosted the first N.Y Tang Soo Do Tournament in the N.Y Armory. A young Michael J. Masley was the Grand Champion.
Mr. Nunno moved to San Francisco in 1969.
Dr. Sohn, opened the Five Towns Karate Center in 1969 with Arthur Petzel (Pryor) and Michael Sherman, Maurice Fedida and Steve Finnando assisting. Shortly after that both Arthur Pryor and Michael Sherman joined the new U.S Tang Soo Do Federation leaving the Five Towns Karate Center.
Dr. Steve Finnando was awarded Cho Dan Sept. 1, 1970 and was one of the original members of the FTKC. He was the director of the Florida branch or the N.Y Moo Duk Kwan Assoc. He then went on to head the martial arts program at Doctor Sohn’s second school the Institute for Self Development in Manhasset N.Y.
Master Daniel Segarra began training in the Korean martial arts at the age of ten and at the Five Towns Karate Center at age fifteen in 1979, under Master Daniel P. Bannard. He would later train with Master Michael Masley, Master Frank Bonsignore and Grandmaster H.C Hwang. He trained in Tang Soo Do/Soo Bahk Do under Grandmaster H.C Hwang for over twenty years then retired from the organization forming his own Moo Sa Do Kwan (Warrior-Scholar Way) organization in 2004.
1. Definition of Tang Soo Do
2. The Objective of the Moo Duk Kwan
3. The further objective of learning Tang Soo Do
4. The Moo Duk Kwan Emblem
5. The Distinction of Moo Duk Kwan
6. The purpose of teaching Tang Soo Do to people of other nation
7. Special Characteristics of Tang Soo Do
8. Things to observe in your study of Tang Soo Do
9. Goals of Tang Soo Do and the Ten Creeds
10. The Ten Creeds
11. Five essential points in mental self control
12. Pivotal factors in mental development
13. Five essential points in Physical development
14. Ten factors to emphasize in practice
15. Brief History of Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do
16. Main Achievements
17. Rules of testing
18. Uniform
19. Application for admission
20. Membership Oath
21. History of Soo Bahk Do
May 15, 2009
1960 Intro to Tang Soo Do
Greetings you are now reading something unique and that can provide an interesting snapshot of the Moo Duk Kwan martial art style circa 1960, this document was given to me by Dr. Steve Finnando whom received it from Dr. Vincent Nunno Dan #7291. This manual was written by Grandmaster Hwang Kee and translated by Dr. Robert Sohn at the time a Cho Dan Dan #6037, Mr. Moon Chae Sik a first Gup and Master Ahn Kyong Won at that time a fourth Dan.
Master Ahn taught the Army’s Infantry 7th Division at their Headquarters starting in 1960. Dr. Sohn was stationed in Korean and trained with Master Ahn from 1963 to 1965. Assuming he made Cho Dan in a year the manual was translated in 64 or 65 at the latest. Remember it was translated from an earlier Korean Version which predates the translation which seems to possible be written in 1960. It is an interesting glimpse as to the organization of Grandmaster Hwang Kee’s Moo Duk Kwan at that time period.
Some interesting things to note are the testing point system with triple promotions for scores 90-100 and demotions for scores 40 and lower, the time period to test for various ranks as well as the breaking requirements. Also of interest are the fact that there was no yellow or orange belt at that time and they actually did use Midnight Blue belts that far back. Finally there are some interesting historical notes in Grandmaster Hwang Kees resume listed.
Please keep in mind this is a straight copy of the introduction so the spelling may be different from the more modern standardized way you may be familiar with, also some facts may not be completely accurate as it was a translation and although I am sure the translators did their best to be as accurate as possible there are sure to be some mistake amongst the text here and there.
So I hope you enjoy this little bit of Korean martial arts history and I am glad I could share it with you.
Dan Segarra
The parts of this material written by Daniel Segarra are copyrighted.
Translators and owners of this written introduction

Born in Seoul, Korea, Master Kyong won Ahn began his martial arts training when he was twelve years old. He served an internship with his instructor, Master Chang Bok Lee, as the Master Instructor for the Korean and American armies from 1955 through 1967 representing Grandmaster Hwang Kee and the Moo Duk Kwan. Considered one of the best competitors in Korea in the early 1960s, Grandmaster Ahn was winner of many Tang Soo Do championships and honors throughout Korea.
Grandmaster Ahn came to the United States in 1967 at the request of Grandmaster Hwang Kee and was sponsored by the University of Cincinnati, He began teaching Tang Soo Do there in August of 1967.
From 1967 to 1970 he acted as the liaison from Korea officiating for Moo Duk Kwan certifications, testing’s etc.
In 1971 he formed the United Taekwondo Association (UTA) breaking away with the Moo Duk Kwan to accept the position of Grandmaster in the UTA.

Mr. Robert C. Sohn, Born 02 Apr 1939 - 12 Jan 1997 joined the U.S Army Infantry and was stationed in Korea 1963-1965. He made the rank of sergeant and was stationed near the DMZ. While in Korea he began training with Mr. Ahn Kyong Won. Master Ahn was a Tang Soo Do Master under Grandmaster Hwang Kee and known for his incredible fighting skills. Dr. Sohn trained frequently at Joong Ahn Dojang in Korea and was tested by Grandmaster Hwang Kee himself. He attained the rank of fourth dan and the Korean Dan number 6037. He trained in Korea from 1963-1965 and while in Korea met his future wife So Cha (Tina) a native Korean. They married in 1964 and came back to the United states in 1965.
In 1966 he and Vinny Nunno opened the West Village Karate Center on Hudson St. in Manhattan in 1966. In 1968 he opened the Five Towns Karate Center in Lawrence Long Island.

In 1967 They along with Hugine Percival (Dan #7954) hosted the first N.Y Tang Soo Do Tournament in the N.Y Armory. A young Michael J. Masley was the Grand Champion.
Mr. Nunno moved to San Francisco in 1969.
Dr. Sohn, opened the Five Towns Karate Center in 1969 with Arthur Petzel (Pryor) and Michael Sherman, Maurice Fedida and Steve Finnando assisting. Shortly after that both Arthur Pryor and Michael Sherman joined the new U.S Tang Soo Do Federation leaving the Five Towns Karate Center.

Introduction to Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do (KARATE) 唐手道武德館
By Hwang Gee, President of Moo Duk Kwan
Translated by:
Robert C. Sohn, 1st Dan
Moon Chae Sik, 1st Gup
Ahn Kyong Won, 4th Dan
By Hwang Gee, President of Moo Duk Kwan
Translated by:
Robert C. Sohn, 1st Dan
Moon Chae Sik, 1st Gup
Ahn Kyong Won, 4th Dan
1. Definition of Tang Soo Do
2. The Objective of the Moo Duk Kwan
3. The further objective of learning Tang Soo Do
4. The Moo Duk Kwan Emblem
5. The Distinction of Moo Duk Kwan
6. The purpose of teaching Tang Soo Do to people of other nation
7. Special Characteristics of Tang Soo Do
8. Things to observe in your study of Tang Soo Do
9. Goals of Tang Soo Do and the Ten Creeds
10. The Ten Creeds
11. Five essential points in mental self control
12. Pivotal factors in mental development
13. Five essential points in Physical development
14. Ten factors to emphasize in practice
15. Brief History of Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do
16. Main Achievements
17. Rules of testing
18. Uniform
19. Application for admission
20. Membership Oath
21. History of Soo Bahk Do
Definition of Tang Soo Do
1. Tang (唐) an ancient Chinese Dynasty, Soo (手) hands, Do (道) Art.
2. The martial art which employs no constructed instruments, but only the hand and feet to strike in self-defense, with the further purpose of training the mind and the body.
The Objective of Moo Duk Kwan: Justice
Hwang Gee, President of the Moo Duk Kwan
1. Tang (唐) an ancient Chinese Dynasty, Soo (手) hands, Do (道) Art.
2. The martial art which employs no constructed instruments, but only the hand and feet to strike in self-defense, with the further purpose of training the mind and the body.
The Objective of Moo Duk Kwan: Justice
Hwang Gee, President of the Moo Duk Kwan
The cultivation of the spirit and body in perfect harmony with nature.
The Distinctions of Moo Duk Kwan武德館
1. The Moo Duk Kwan (Moo-Martial, Duk-Humility *, Kwan-Association: The association of those schooled in the Martial Art, Tang Soo Do, and steeped in the humility of one who is knowledgeable of
philosophy and capable of controlling his power) has followed the main stream of Tang Soo Do history since the Ko Ku Ryu Dynasty, a period of more than 2000 years.
2. Although the Art has been carried on for that extensive period, a long period of inactivity occurred in which the organized study of Tang Soo Do was nearly obliterated in Korea. In 1945, after Mr. Hwang Gee was awarded the 8th Degree Black Belt by the Chinese Master, he returned to Korea and organized the Moo Duk Kwan. Since then millions of diverse people have been united in a common bond of good will and internal and international friendship through the association.
3. The Moo Duk Kwan emphasizes the knowledge of philosophy and therein lies the Do (道) of Tang Soo Do. In training, the primary consideration is the development of Ki (氣), the ‘power of mind’, secondly skill with the feet, and lastly the hands. Speed and correctness of form in defense and attack are stressed and the student is constantly admonished to practice with serious intent. All this has made Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do the most outstanding in the world, which has been proved repeatedly through international contest, the latest of which was held in Seoul, Korea in 1963 between Korea, China, and Japan. Moo Duk Kwan alone represented Korea, and won nearly every contest with no apparent effort.
4. There are over 1,000,000 members of the Moo Duk Kwan in Korea alone, a number far greater than the total membership of other Tang Soo Do organizations presently in Korea. There are more than 6,000 world-wide Black Belt holders in the Moo Duk Kwan.
*Duk usually is translated as ‘Virtue’
The cultivation of the spirit and body in perfect harmony with nature.
The Distinctions of Moo Duk Kwan武德館
1. The Moo Duk Kwan (Moo-Martial, Duk-Humility *, Kwan-Association: The association of those schooled in the Martial Art, Tang Soo Do, and steeped in the humility of one who is knowledgeable of
philosophy and capable of controlling his power) has followed the main stream of Tang Soo Do history since the Ko Ku Ryu Dynasty, a period of more than 2000 years.
2. Although the Art has been carried on for that extensive period, a long period of inactivity occurred in which the organized study of Tang Soo Do was nearly obliterated in Korea. In 1945, after Mr. Hwang Gee was awarded the 8th Degree Black Belt by the Chinese Master, he returned to Korea and organized the Moo Duk Kwan. Since then millions of diverse people have been united in a common bond of good will and internal and international friendship through the association.
3. The Moo Duk Kwan emphasizes the knowledge of philosophy and therein lies the Do (道) of Tang Soo Do. In training, the primary consideration is the development of Ki (氣), the ‘power of mind’, secondly skill with the feet, and lastly the hands. Speed and correctness of form in defense and attack are stressed and the student is constantly admonished to practice with serious intent. All this has made Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do the most outstanding in the world, which has been proved repeatedly through international contest, the latest of which was held in Seoul, Korea in 1963 between Korea, China, and Japan. Moo Duk Kwan alone represented Korea, and won nearly every contest with no apparent effort.
4. There are over 1,000,000 members of the Moo Duk Kwan in Korea alone, a number far greater than the total membership of other Tang Soo Do organizations presently in Korea. There are more than 6,000 world-wide Black Belt holders in the Moo Duk Kwan.
*Duk usually is translated as ‘Virtue’
Purpose of Teaching Tang Soo Do to people of other nation
1. To teach this unique martial art to persons of other nations, thereby precipitating better understanding of Korea and Koreans, and to cement better relationships between Korean and other nations,
2. To share the advantages derive - advantages which reach into the daily lives of the practioner.
3. To expand the Moo Duk Kwan on an international scale.
The Goals of Tang Soo Do and the Ten Creeds
The ultimate goal is ‘to live.’ Although this art may be used to kill your opponent, your control must be such that you allow him to live. Life is precious, and even though you attack an enemy, you must always remember this credo, and allow him to live. In order to promote this idealistic goal ‘living’, we set up the following ten creeds in accordance with the principles of nature, with grace, fairness, and speed, to help you in your development of Tang Soo Do.
The Ten Creeds
1. Patriotism
2. Love Between Parents and Children
3. Love Between Husband and Wife
4. Cooperation among brothers.
5. The aged should protect the children and weak people, and children should respect the aged.
6. Faith between Master and disciples.
7. Trust among friends.
8. To kill or let live must be based on just and fair decisions.
9. Never retreat in battle.
10. Accompany your decisions with action.
1. To teach this unique martial art to persons of other nations, thereby precipitating better understanding of Korea and Koreans, and to cement better relationships between Korean and other nations,
2. To share the advantages derive - advantages which reach into the daily lives of the practioner.
3. To expand the Moo Duk Kwan on an international scale.
The Goals of Tang Soo Do and the Ten Creeds
The ultimate goal is ‘to live.’ Although this art may be used to kill your opponent, your control must be such that you allow him to live. Life is precious, and even though you attack an enemy, you must always remember this credo, and allow him to live. In order to promote this idealistic goal ‘living’, we set up the following ten creeds in accordance with the principles of nature, with grace, fairness, and speed, to help you in your development of Tang Soo Do.
The Ten Creeds
1. Patriotism
2. Love Between Parents and Children
3. Love Between Husband and Wife
4. Cooperation among brothers.
5. The aged should protect the children and weak people, and children should respect the aged.
6. Faith between Master and disciples.
7. Trust among friends.
8. To kill or let live must be based on just and fair decisions.
9. Never retreat in battle.
10. Accompany your decisions with action.
Training and Resting *
In training you must train intensely but you must be careful not to catch cold, as this is easily done when quickly cooling down your body. Furthermore, you must rest sufficiently, and not attempt to ‘keep going’ all the time. Once you have had the experience of real rest you will appreciate the delicious taste of it. You should realize that your progress is not made only while you practice, but also to a real extent while your rest. Rest, you will find, is as important as practice itself.
In training you must train intensely but you must be careful not to catch cold, as this is easily done when quickly cooling down your body. Furthermore, you must rest sufficiently, and not attempt to ‘keep going’ all the time. Once you have had the experience of real rest you will appreciate the delicious taste of it. You should realize that your progress is not made only while you practice, but also to a real extent while your rest. Rest, you will find, is as important as practice itself.
*Note this page seems to be out of order or there seems to be a page missing.
Brief History of Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do
Mr. Hwang Gee established the Moo Duk Kwan in Seoul, Korea, on 9 Nov 45, and taught initially at the Ministry of Transportation. The following are historical highlights of the Moo Duk Kwan:
Apr 52 Established branch at Police Academy in Seoul Hwang Gee
1 Oct 52 Established branch at Ministry of Defense Hwang Gee
1 Sept 53 Association of Korea Tang Soo Do Organization was established
Nov 53 Moo Duk Kwan joined the Korean Athletic Association
April 54 Established branch at Ma Po prison Hwang Gee
May 55 Inauguration of Central Headquarters Gymnasium, 43 Tong Ja Dong,
Chun Gu, Seoul, Korea Hwang Gee
May 55 Established branch at So Dae Mun Prison Hwang Gee
May 55 Established branch at Headquarters of ROK Air Force Hwang Gee
1956 Dispatched instructors to Main Commands of ROK Air Force:
Su Won Kim Yong Suk
Sa Chon Kang Myong Kyu
Taegu Hong Jong Su
Taejon Im Yong Ja
May 56 Established branch at Naval Academy Hwang Gee
June 56 Established branch at ROK Naval Headquarters Cha Su Yong
June 56 Established Branch at In Hwa Engineering College Kwon Oh Nam
Feb 56 Established branch at ROK Publications Headquarters Kim Man Ho
Oct 56 Established Branch at Military police HQ ROK Army Hwang Gee
Nov 56 Established Branch at 2nd ROK Army Headquarters Hong Jong Su
*Note Hwang Gee is usually spelt Hwang Kee
March 56 Established Branch at ROK Army Headquarters Kim Man Ho
May 57 Established Branch at Marine Corp Headq. Cha Su Young
Sept 57 Established Branch at EUSA Gymnasium Sho Hang
Mar 59 Mu Duk Kwan took 5 ROK military Forces members to Southeast Asia for Demonstrations Hwang Gee
Kim Man Ho
Cha Su Yong
Kim Jun Taek
Lee Young Gyun
Kim Pong Nam
June 60 Name of Korea Tang Soo Do Association changed to Association of Korean Soo Bak Do in accordance with the Ancient title of this Martial Art, and was incorporated.
Jul 60 All instructors of Kung Soo Do joined the Moo Duk Kwan, Yoon Kwae Pyong was president of the Kung Soo Do Association.
Oct 60 Dispatched instructors to main commands of the Eighth United States Army.
Oct 60 Established Branch at 7th Infantry Div Hq Ahn Kyong Won
14 May 61 Mr Hwang Gee led the establishment of the Asian Tang Soo Do Association, which included Korea, Japan, and Nationalist China, and the first meeting was held in the Moo Duk Kwan Conference rom.
Oct 60 Established first Moo Duk Kwan Branch in US at Mr. Deal* Lincoln Park, Michigan.
May 61 Established Tang Soo Do Organization in the US with Mr. Hwang Gee as Honorary President, and Mr. Butterworth** as American Tang Soo Do President.
Mr. Hwang Gee established the Moo Duk Kwan in Seoul, Korea, on 9 Nov 45, and taught initially at the Ministry of Transportation. The following are historical highlights of the Moo Duk Kwan:
Apr 52 Established branch at Police Academy in Seoul Hwang Gee
1 Oct 52 Established branch at Ministry of Defense Hwang Gee
1 Sept 53 Association of Korea Tang Soo Do Organization was established
Nov 53 Moo Duk Kwan joined the Korean Athletic Association
April 54 Established branch at Ma Po prison Hwang Gee
May 55 Inauguration of Central Headquarters Gymnasium, 43 Tong Ja Dong,
Chun Gu, Seoul, Korea Hwang Gee
May 55 Established branch at So Dae Mun Prison Hwang Gee
May 55 Established branch at Headquarters of ROK Air Force Hwang Gee
1956 Dispatched instructors to Main Commands of ROK Air Force:
Su Won Kim Yong Suk
Sa Chon Kang Myong Kyu
Taegu Hong Jong Su
Taejon Im Yong Ja
May 56 Established branch at Naval Academy Hwang Gee
June 56 Established branch at ROK Naval Headquarters Cha Su Yong
June 56 Established Branch at In Hwa Engineering College Kwon Oh Nam
Feb 56 Established branch at ROK Publications Headquarters Kim Man Ho
Oct 56 Established Branch at Military police HQ ROK Army Hwang Gee
Nov 56 Established Branch at 2nd ROK Army Headquarters Hong Jong Su
*Note Hwang Gee is usually spelt Hwang Kee
March 56 Established Branch at ROK Army Headquarters Kim Man Ho
May 57 Established Branch at Marine Corp Headq. Cha Su Young
Sept 57 Established Branch at EUSA Gymnasium Sho Hang
Mar 59 Mu Duk Kwan took 5 ROK military Forces members to Southeast Asia for Demonstrations Hwang Gee
Kim Man Ho
Cha Su Yong
Kim Jun Taek
Lee Young Gyun
Kim Pong Nam
June 60 Name of Korea Tang Soo Do Association changed to Association of Korean Soo Bak Do in accordance with the Ancient title of this Martial Art, and was incorporated.
Jul 60 All instructors of Kung Soo Do joined the Moo Duk Kwan, Yoon Kwae Pyong was president of the Kung Soo Do Association.
Oct 60 Dispatched instructors to main commands of the Eighth United States Army.
Oct 60 Established Branch at 7th Infantry Div Hq Ahn Kyong Won
14 May 61 Mr Hwang Gee led the establishment of the Asian Tang Soo Do Association, which included Korea, Japan, and Nationalist China, and the first meeting was held in the Moo Duk Kwan Conference rom.
Oct 60 Established first Moo Duk Kwan Branch in US at Mr. Deal* Lincoln Park, Michigan.
May 61 Established Tang Soo Do Organization in the US with Mr. Hwang Gee as Honorary President, and Mr. Butterworth** as American Tang Soo Do President.
*Note Mr Deal is probably Dale Drouliard #757 the First American to achieve MDK Dan rank
**Note Mr Butterworth is John Butterwick #2277
Main Achievements
4 Apr 50 Tang Soo Do Text (First Book on the subject published in Korea) Mr. Hwang Gee.
7 July 58 Tang Soo Do Text - Mr. Hwang Gee.
3 Jun 60 Pamphlet on Self Defense Technique - Mr. Hwang Gee.
9 Sep 60 Moo Ye Si Bo (Monthly Martial Art Magazine - Mr. Hwang Gee
Demonstrations & Exhibitions
July 49 Tang Soo Do Exhibition at the Transportation School in Seoul for the first time in Korea.
Mar 50 At the field of the Ministry of Defense
Jun 53 At the Police Academy.
Oct 55 Goodwill exhibition between Korea and Nationalist China at Seoul Metropolitan Hall.
Nov 55 Tang Soo Do demonstration at the ROK Army Gym in commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Korean Liberation.
Aug 57 Tang Soo Do Demonstration at the 8th U.S Army Headquarters.
Oct 57 Tang Soo Do Demonstration at Seoul Auditorium on the occasion of the 6th annual Korean Athletic Meet.
Nov 57 Exhibition at Seoul Metropolitan Hall on commemoration of the 12th Anniversary of Moo Duk Kwan.
Nov 57 Demonstration at ROK Army Hq on the occasion of Army Martial Art Exhibition.
Feb 58 Demonstration on TV.
Nov 58 An International Goodwill demonstration among Korea, Nationalist China and U.S a the Seoul Metropolitan Hall.
Mar 59 Dispatched five members of ROK Military Forces to South East Asia for Demonstration.
Nov 60 On the occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan an International Exhibition, including Korea, U.S and Nationalist China at Fraternity Hall of the Ministry of Transportation.
9 Jan 61 Mr. Hwang Gee took 8 members of Korea University to Japan on the invitation of Nibon Dae Hak and conducted a tournament with the Japanese.
May 61 Invited 10 Japanese Karate Members to Korea for an International Tournament which was held at Sam Il Dan for the first time in Korea. The Japanese toured Korea, and were at Sam Il Dang Field, the Public Field in Pusan, the Public Field in Jon Ju, etc.
4 Apr 50 Tang Soo Do Text (First Book on the subject published in Korea) Mr. Hwang Gee.
7 July 58 Tang Soo Do Text - Mr. Hwang Gee.
3 Jun 60 Pamphlet on Self Defense Technique - Mr. Hwang Gee.
9 Sep 60 Moo Ye Si Bo (Monthly Martial Art Magazine - Mr. Hwang Gee
Demonstrations & Exhibitions
July 49 Tang Soo Do Exhibition at the Transportation School in Seoul for the first time in Korea.
Mar 50 At the field of the Ministry of Defense
Jun 53 At the Police Academy.
Oct 55 Goodwill exhibition between Korea and Nationalist China at Seoul Metropolitan Hall.
Nov 55 Tang Soo Do demonstration at the ROK Army Gym in commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Korean Liberation.
Aug 57 Tang Soo Do Demonstration at the 8th U.S Army Headquarters.
Oct 57 Tang Soo Do Demonstration at Seoul Auditorium on the occasion of the 6th annual Korean Athletic Meet.
Nov 57 Exhibition at Seoul Metropolitan Hall on commemoration of the 12th Anniversary of Moo Duk Kwan.
Nov 57 Demonstration at ROK Army Hq on the occasion of Army Martial Art Exhibition.
Feb 58 Demonstration on TV.
Nov 58 An International Goodwill demonstration among Korea, Nationalist China and U.S a the Seoul Metropolitan Hall.
Mar 59 Dispatched five members of ROK Military Forces to South East Asia for Demonstration.
Nov 60 On the occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan an International Exhibition, including Korea, U.S and Nationalist China at Fraternity Hall of the Ministry of Transportation.
9 Jan 61 Mr. Hwang Gee took 8 members of Korea University to Japan on the invitation of Nibon Dae Hak and conducted a tournament with the Japanese.
May 61 Invited 10 Japanese Karate Members to Korea for an International Tournament which was held at Sam Il Dan for the first time in Korea. The Japanese toured Korea, and were at Sam Il Dang Field, the Public Field in Pusan, the Public Field in Jon Ju, etc.
Table I: Spiritual Qualities, 50 Points
Type Points
Mental & Physical 15
Knowledge 10
Attitude 10
Attendance 10
Potential 5
Table II: Skills & Techniques 50 Points
Type Points
Forms 15
Sparring 10
Breaking 10
Attendance 10
Potential 5
Point Distribution 91-100 A person qualified to be promoted THREE Grades 81-90 A person qualified to be promoted TWO grades 71-80 A person qualified to be promoted only one grade
61-70 A person who can be promoted conditionally one grade or held for further consideration. 51-60 A person who is disqualified Below 40 A person whom is likely to be Demoted to a lower grade.
Only members of the Junior class (below 1st Dan) are eligible to be promoted more than one grade at a time.
Testing Rules (page 15) 1. The authority to test and award grades belongs exclusively to the president of the MDK in Seoul Korea. This authority is sometimes delegated to instructors when distance does not permit the student to come to Seoul, to be tested.
2. Testing is in accordance with the regulations contained in manuals at headquarters Office, or in some cases in accordance with the President’s Instructions.
The following is the criteria for tests: Chart of Grading and Test Grade
(Unfortunately I couldn't copy the rest of the PDF file, which the grading in a chart format)
Type Points
Mental & Physical 15
Knowledge 10
Attitude 10
Attendance 10
Potential 5
Table II: Skills & Techniques 50 Points
Type Points
Forms 15
Sparring 10
Breaking 10
Attendance 10
Potential 5
Point Distribution 91-100 A person qualified to be promoted THREE Grades 81-90 A person qualified to be promoted TWO grades 71-80 A person qualified to be promoted only one grade
61-70 A person who can be promoted conditionally one grade or held for further consideration. 51-60 A person who is disqualified Below 40 A person whom is likely to be Demoted to a lower grade.
Only members of the Junior class (below 1st Dan) are eligible to be promoted more than one grade at a time.
Testing Rules (page 15) 1. The authority to test and award grades belongs exclusively to the president of the MDK in Seoul Korea. This authority is sometimes delegated to instructors when distance does not permit the student to come to Seoul, to be tested.
2. Testing is in accordance with the regulations contained in manuals at headquarters Office, or in some cases in accordance with the President’s Instructions.
The following is the criteria for tests: Chart of Grading and Test Grade
(Unfortunately I couldn't copy the rest of the PDF file, which the grading in a chart format)
I will try to post the entire translation as a PDF or Word file in the immediate future.
Soo Bahk!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
123rd Dan Classing Championships
Kwan Jang Nim H. C. Hwang, presided over the 123rd Dan Classing Championships (Dan Testing) that were held yesterday, April 18, 2009 at Carey's Point in New Jersey. As usual, Region 2 Regional Examiners, Sa bom Nim Frampton and Sa bom Nim Mullins organized this planned event that was hosted by Kyo Sa Boucher, of River's Edge Karate, in Penns Grove, NJ.
Several activities were provided and hosted by Kyo Sa Boucher and his students, including a Friday night Dan Shim Sa Mixer (fundraiser) Dinner Buffet, and a regional Ko Dan Ja Candidate evaluation training session, that was according to Sa bom Nim Mullen well attended.
On Saturday morning, the Shim Sa clinics were conducted with approx., 34 Ko Dan Ja in attendance for the clinics and the Shim Sa.
The River's Edge Karate family provided everyone with great support, some really nice T-shirts, and great Moo Do Spirit to carry everyone through the day. Congratulations on hosting a wonderful event. Special thanks to Sa bom Nim Baran and Sa Bom Nim Lindemann for coordinating the table assignments and kicking off the Shim Sa in great Moo Do style.
The Kwan Jang Nim addressed all the candidates, parents, friends and hosting students and wished them a wonderful experience and that he was looking forward to their demonstrations, after some words of encouragement, the Shim Sa was officially opened.
It was a full day of evaluating candidates on the hyungs, ho sin sool, il soo sik, kyo pa and general knowledge requirements and their Moo Do spirit, congratulations to all the candidates on a successful Shim Sa.
The next event in Region 2 will be the Regional Tournament hosted by Sa bom Nims Poppo and Steinhour, on May 16th, 2009 in Grahamsville, New York. Save the date on your calendar and we hope to see as many Ko Dan Ja and participants at the event.
Soo Bahk!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
February 7th, 2009 Instructor Class at Frampton's Karate in New York
Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang with Ko Dan Ja members and instructor dan members at recent Regional Instructor's Class.
This past saturday, members of the U.S. Federation (Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan) of the World Moo Duk Kwan met for instructor's class at the Frampton Karate School in New Windsor, NY. The membership has a regular scheduled instructor class once a month at various locations through the Region 2 Area.
Master Bonefont and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, please note the new World Moo Duk Kwan patch the Kwan Jang Nim is wearing, he briefly mentioned how it will used in the near future, each country member will have their country name at the bottom of the patch like the one you see here for member country, Korea.
Allen Ruqus, Sa bom Nim, Frank Bonsignore, Sa Bom Nim/Charter Member, and Master Boenfont, take a minute to pose for a small group photo at the instructor's class.

If you are a dan member in Region 2 and are either training for your instructor certification or are currently a instructor, you need to come to the next training class. The next class will feature all required forms, they will be reviewed, taught and repeated for your benefit. Don't miss the next class. Get with your instructor for date, time and location soon!!!!
I just want to take a moment to thank the Kwan Jang Nim for his time and guidance, and to all the senior leadership who showed up to support this event. A graditude of thanks to all the Ko Dan Ja members who taught the mini sessions for all the dans in attendance. An excellent review of hyung, Il Soo Sik, Ho Sin Sool and other requirements helped those in attendance understand further the importance of standarization and Moo Do.
Soo Bahk!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wonderful Presentation on the Five Moo Do Values
Performing are Sa Bom Nims Kozak and Lockwood ... SOO BAHK!
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2010 Mid-Hudson Regional Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Tournament
Photos by Frampton Sa Bom Nim and Jack Chastain
"Photos by Frampton Sa Bom Nim"
Welcome some New Dan Members!
A 1st Gup's Journey to Midnight Blue...
Hwa Rahng Festival 2009 Part 1
Hwa Rahng Festival 2009 Part 2
124th Dan Shim Sa - More Photos
Many thanks to Mr. John Dalton for allowing us access and use of these photos.
Soo Bahk!
Soo Bahk Do - The Way
2009 World Moo Duk Kwan Symposium
Thanks to all the participants who posted their photos for everyone to see. Soo Bahk!
Founder's Opening Address at the 50th Anniversary Celebration in Seoul, Korea
Five Towns Karate Center History
Located in Lawrence, New York, it once held the distinction of being "the oldest" active Moo Duk Kwan school in New York, opening it's doors in 1968. Here is a short video clip of some old and not so old footage. (Thanks to Dan Segarra for posting it)
62nd Anniversary of the MOO DUK KWAN (NOV 9th)
62 years of Moo Do excellence, a deep graditude of thanks to our Founder, the Late Great Grandmaster Hwang Kee for sharing his knowledge of Moo Do with the World, and thank you Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang for your mission to strengthen the Moo Duk Kwan for future generations, that was established 62 years ago, and for your unselfish dedication and continued guidance.
From all your humble students...
From all your humble students...
Founder of the Moo Duk Kwan, Hwang Kee 1989 Shim Sa
Soo Bahk Do Korea, Seoul Main Dojang
Short Video on Soo Bahk Do (Su Bahk Do) in Mendoza, Argentina
Thanks to KyoSa42730 for posting on YOU TUBE
Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa and Championship in Mendoza, Argentina
9-10-11-12-13-14: Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa
14-15-16-17: 5°Symposium
International Championship and Demonstration
Thanks to Carlos Moyano who provided these videos on YouTube.
Also further photos of the events in Mendoza are located here
Mendoza- Torneo Internacional 07 Soo Bahk!
Mendoza- Torneo Internacional 07 Soo Bahk!
Ko Dan Ja Demonstrate at Annual Winding River Tournament October 2007
Special Thanks to Soo Bahk Do X-Change http://www.geocitie Paul Lukasiewicz, Sa Bom Nim sbd28956@yahoo. com for filming and sharing the video on You Tube. SOO BAHK !
2008 Ko Dan Ja Instructional Classes Begin...
KO DAN JA instructional training classes for 2008 started this past Saturday, February 9th, at Keith Bennett's Soo Bahk Do in Kingston, New York.
Thanks to Mullen Sa bom Nim, Regional Examiner, for putting out the schedule and organizing the training sessions.
There were approximately 30-35 who attended, that's Ko Dan Ja and Dan members together. Ko Dan Ja attendance was light, however, Bonsignore Sa bom Nim, Johns Sa bom Nim, Frampton Sa bom Nim, Morey Sa bom Nim, Bennett Sa Bom Nim (Host) Weber Sa bom Nim and several others were in attendance as well as 5th and 4th dan Ko Dan Ja.
Speaking on the Sa Dan training experience, we covered our required hyungs and received excellent personal instruction from Johns Sa bom Nim and insightful instruction from Bonsignore Sa bom Nim. Aside from Mullens Sa Bom Nim in attendance, other Ko Dan Ja in attendance were: Laileu Sa Bom Nim, Master Bonefont, Ruqus Sa Bom Nim, Stinehour Sa bom Nim and Brown Sa bom Nim.
The Ko Dan Ja class ran overtime as the dan members in attendance started their instructor's class. They were carefully instructed by Frampton Sa bom Nim and Bonsignore Sa bom Nim.
All said... it was an excellent opportunity for everyone to learn something. I had a great time and it was wonderful to see everyone. Thank you Bennett Sa bom Nim for hosting the sessions... even with all the snow ...which didn't turn out to be much... there was some very good training!!!!!
Looking forward to the next one. If you are a Ko Dan Ja in the region and don't know when the next training session is scheduled contact your regional examiner, Mullen Sa bom Nim and request to be placed on the email notification list or contact HQ for more information. DON'T have a class photo, but I'm hoping that Frampton Sa bom Nim will send one out shortly, as soon as I have it, I'll post it here.
C'mon Region 2... let's represent... see you at the next training session.
Last... but certainly not least... I wish to thank my seniors who were in attendance, and wish to thank them for their dedication to our art.
Mr. Bonefont
Thanks to Mullen Sa bom Nim, Regional Examiner, for putting out the schedule and organizing the training sessions.
There were approximately 30-35 who attended, that's Ko Dan Ja and Dan members together. Ko Dan Ja attendance was light, however, Bonsignore Sa bom Nim, Johns Sa bom Nim, Frampton Sa bom Nim, Morey Sa bom Nim, Bennett Sa Bom Nim (Host) Weber Sa bom Nim and several others were in attendance as well as 5th and 4th dan Ko Dan Ja.
Speaking on the Sa Dan training experience, we covered our required hyungs and received excellent personal instruction from Johns Sa bom Nim and insightful instruction from Bonsignore Sa bom Nim. Aside from Mullens Sa Bom Nim in attendance, other Ko Dan Ja in attendance were: Laileu Sa Bom Nim, Master Bonefont, Ruqus Sa Bom Nim, Stinehour Sa bom Nim and Brown Sa bom Nim.
The Ko Dan Ja class ran overtime as the dan members in attendance started their instructor's class. They were carefully instructed by Frampton Sa bom Nim and Bonsignore Sa bom Nim.
All said... it was an excellent opportunity for everyone to learn something. I had a great time and it was wonderful to see everyone. Thank you Bennett Sa bom Nim for hosting the sessions... even with all the snow ...which didn't turn out to be much... there was some very good training!!!!!
Looking forward to the next one. If you are a Ko Dan Ja in the region and don't know when the next training session is scheduled contact your regional examiner, Mullen Sa bom Nim and request to be placed on the email notification list or contact HQ for more information. DON'T have a class photo, but I'm hoping that Frampton Sa bom Nim will send one out shortly, as soon as I have it, I'll post it here.
C'mon Region 2... let's represent... see you at the next training session.
Last... but certainly not least... I wish to thank my seniors who were in attendance, and wish to thank them for their dedication to our art.
Mr. Bonefont
Kenyon Sa Bom Nim performs Wang Shu at the 50th Anniversary
Thanks to sbdstudent for posting on You Tube...Soo Bahk!
From the 60th Anniversary Celebration in Korea
thanks to stephane38928 on You Tube for posting this video.
Soo Bahk Do Ki Cho and Ho Sin Sool
Part 1
Part 2