2006 is slowly approaching its end... 2007 is waiting to start it's journey very soon. I wish to extend holiday greetings to our extended family in the Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan® World. It is a very large "World-wide" family and I can only state how "proud" I am to be a part of it.
Please keep all our brothers and sisters who place their lives in "harm's way" on a daily basis for ...US... in your thoughts and prayers and hopefully those thoughts and prayers will provide them with the courage to continue doing what they do on a daily basis. Our Nation's military! Many of our Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan® brothers and sisters serving in uniform are returning home this holiday season, we wish them a safe return and a very Happy New Year and that they get the opportunity to spend quality time with their families and some quality time in the their respective dojangs.
and his family, in your daily thoughts and prayers so he can have a permanent recovery in his fight; as we have always appreciated his humble leadership, his strong example and countless contributions to us.
Respectfully Submitted,
...and Happy New Year.
R Bonefont Sr.